Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

Help with Photos

 I recently got married on 1-21-12 and I have a big decision to make regarding the two photos below. I bought a canvas print in the size of 20x30 and I am not sure which photo to use for it. The other photo will be a standard print in the size of 16x20. Can you please recommend which one would look better as the larger one? Thanks so much! 

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Re: Help with Photos

  • They are both pretty large sizes. I would make the decision based on where in your home you will be placing it and how it will look because I imagine the 16x20 will go in a frame whereas the canvas will mount directly to the wall.

    If you're still unsure I would let the photographer chose. Perhaps the focus is sharper in one than the other. They should be able to decide what will look best.
  • I would go with one of the shots on the beach.  The standins one is nice but kind of static. You are just "standing."  The kissing one has some flow to it.
  • They were both taken on the beach. The kissing one was just down by the water. I like the kissing one too, but I'm just not sure! Ugh! Maybe I'll make my H decide.
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  • As a photographer I like the first one better for that large, its more artistic and less "hey look its a bride and groom kissing". Also the second one is going to make you almost lifesize if you blow it up that big! I dont know about you but if i walked into my house and saw me lifesize every day kissing, it would get mightly old might fast...(not to mention my mother would hate it and think its inappropriate..its not, but I would be taking it down and hidnig it in a closet every time my mother came over just so I woudlnt have to listen to her talk about how much she doesnt thing kissing pictures are appropriate to show off)

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  • Thank you!
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