Hi there! I'm looking for suggestions on where to create a photo book. We are having a professional wedding album designed by our photographer but I want to make a couple of smallish ones for grandparent gifts. I am certainly not expecting pro quality but I still want decent quality and best price. I'v been considering Snapfish, Costco or IPhoto.
Iphoto would be convenient, since I wouldnt have to upload the pics, which can be time consuming. Pricing is similar to Snapfish for books at least,
Snapfish has a living social deal for 60% off... But i think you can only use one coupon per account. They also seem to have a lot of creative options.
Costco is the cheapest (not considering living social coupon for SF), and def more for your money ($25 for 30 pages compared to $29 for 20 pages), but it seems their site may not be as user friendly or have as many creative option and will be pretty basic.
Iv never used any of these services, and don't mind spending the extra couple bucks if its actually worth it. Has anyone used any of these before? What is the paper quality?