My fiance and I got our engangement pictures taken in October 2011. After the shoot, our photographer told us he would have them ready in a few weeks. Thanksgiving passed...Christmas passed...New Year's passed. I talked to a friend whose siblings have used him previously and she said that she knew it didn't take too long, however he was getting divorced and that could have been the hold up. I e-mailed him asking what the hold up was and he replied that he was out of the country because his dad was very ill and wouldn't be back to the states until February. This wouldn't be a huge deal except that our save the dates are coming through him and time is ticking. My fiance has a family friend that is a photographer and may work with us, however I feel really bad cancelling because everything is beyond his comtrol. (He does have a partner, however it seems like he is useless). What should I do?