Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

Is $2500 a lot for a photographer?

I'm basically having a DIY and trying to keep the cost down so this will be the most expensive thing as my mother has offered to purchase a dress and my good friend her beautiful place to have the ceremony/reception but overall we're doing it by ourselves.  Anyways she is sort of a 'hot' photographer whose works gets a lot of press as well it should...  it's incredible and I've had other friends use her but I hesitate at the cost.  Just getting a feel of what others have paid.

OH yeah -  We would get everything she shoots - however if we post the image online she asks for her watermark to be on them (it's small) and the files on the disc are all high rez and do not have any marks. Doesn't offer books / prints.  She shoots a lot though - there's no number limit and it's for six hours.

Re: Is $2500 a lot for a photographer?

  • edited December 2011
    We are paying 3800, but that includes a 30 page fine art photo album(it's BEAUTIFUL!!!), 7 hours of his time, all the rights to the photos, Hi-Res DVD, all the images edited, a second photographer, E-session and Hi-Res DVD and Save-the-Dates.
    It was higher than what we wanted to spend, but we just fell in love with his work.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • edited December 2011
    2,500 is cheap for good photography. This is what we are paying and love our photographers to pieces, and know we are getting an amazing deal...almost every other photographer we found that was the same level of expertise and the style we are looking for  was going to be from 3,000-5,000$ The only reason we can afford our photographer is because we found a coupon for them :). If photography isnt high on your list of priorities anything above 15,000 will get the basic shots, but if you are looking for more then just decent pictures i wouldnt go with anyone less then 2,000.

    ALSO my FI is a photographer p/t and for a whole day charges around 2,000 since he has not done tons of weddings (has done more portrait, candid, etc..but has done a number of weddings over the past couple years), once you are established if you cant make 2.500-3,000 for a day of work, there is probably something wrong with your work.

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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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  • LauraChristinLauraChristin member
    edited December 2011
    That is a very fair price especially for Los Angeles.
  • edited December 2011
    Absolutely not!  We paid just under $2500 for our package with Dreamlife Photos & Video & got 10 hours of coverage & loads of stuff included.  Some professional photographers charge way more but we were very happy with what they were offering.  I would say look at what is included for the cost of $2500 & how much time they are spending with you on your big day.  If they are only doing a few hours & the photos are standard (no albums, upgrades etc) then yes it is too much Wink
  • edited December 2011
    I dont think it should be a lot.. I started looking through some packages of REALLY good photographers and they are $3,000 and up.
  • menkharemenkhare member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Thanks guys!  This photographer could easily charge upwards to $5k plus for her work ... she's that good and that popular and has a nice presence.  I guess since she doesn't offer prints she cuts the rate?  But that doesn't really bother me, I have a good print shop I use for my own larger shots.  Woot!  I'm excited.  Her work really in incredible.  Every time I see her others photos from events, pregnancy, engagement, other weddings, etc I'm just wowed.

  • Sydney91Sydney91 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm looking at a photographer that did a bridesmaid's grad photos a few years ago. It 's beautiful work and would be less than $1500
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    Anyone have a suggetion of a NYC area photographer that is around that price?
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