Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

frustrated with photographer

Found my photographer through someone I know.  He is a semi professional photogrpaher, has a large client base and several years of experience. His work is amazing, but there is one hiccup...he has been lacking professionalism.  I contacted him this summer and he was incredibly helpful with questions, developed a reasonable contract and was very courteous with correspondance.  The other problem with the photographer is he is a college student, which is making him very hard to get a hold of now that the school year has restarted. 

My biggest problem with him is getting him to stick to his promises regarding timelines.  I had to contact him several times to set up engagement pictures.  Finally when he saw my messages he was more than accomodating and squeezed us in on a very busy weekend he had weddings both friday and saturday.  He told me the pictures would be ready for an online sneak peek in one week and our DVD would arrive in about a month.  It is almost three weeks and he still hasn't posted our sneak peeks...

I have messaged him once at about 2.5 weeks since the shoot.  I was very nice and told him how excited I was getting as he posted a few other sets of pictures and was wondering what the ETA was.  He responded three days later saying he has been really busy with school and has had weddings every weekend. 

I completely understand him being busy and I know I took a chance with the college student as my photographer, but does that mean he shouldn't be professional?  I feel strongly about meeting my goals and promises.  If he couldnt' get them done in the time he said, I would have been fine with him simply giving me a heads up.  I get where he is coming from, but not sure how to approach this with our wedding pictures this summer. I want him to know my expectations.  How do I talk to him about this?

Re: frustrated with photographer

  • cmp1986cmp1986 member
    edited December 2011
    IMO, there's really nothing you can say to this guy. He's not just blowing you off. He generally does not have enough time for you. He seems to be biting off more than he can chew. If I were you, I'd start looking for another photog. It doesn't seem like he will get any less busy until he's done with school. Which will be right before or even after your wedding. Your photog should be there when you need him.
  • photogbride12photogbride12 member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with PP. You didn't hire a professional so you probably shouldn't expect professionalism :( If you're already stressing about this and you haven't even had the wedding yet I would really consider finding a new photographer and losing the deposit if you paid one. Like the PP said, you need your photographer to be available and be able to meet deadlines. College students shooting weddings on the side are not going to give you that, and since he isn't a professional photographer I don't think you can expect professional service/behavior. That's the gamble you take when you hire someone like that unfortunately. Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    I don't know if he's giving you a "good deal" and that's why you're putting it up w/ it but it doesn't hurt to consult w/ another photographer. mine has been exceptional. check out her site and contact her. won't hurt. she showed up on time for everything and was so helpful.
  • edited December 2011
    as a former groom and current wedding photographer, you should definitely reconsider this photographer and look over your contract. you may want to consider getting out of the contract and just paying for the engagement session if you are concerned about him delivering his work for the wedding day or even showing up.

  • edited December 2011
    I agree with Alex. We ae Photographers also, and this does not sound like the outcome will be good. You may end up frustrated and not get your pics for a LONG time. It's amazing that he has such a large client base with the way he has been unprofessional. 

    I think you should over look your contract as well, and wish you the best! 

    We get our pictures out in 1-2weeks and are NOT overbooked! ;) 

    Check us out...

    I am the same way though so don't feel like your over reacting. We are getting married in 2 weeks and I am freaking out about my pictures! I feel sorry for OUR Photographers
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