Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

Birth control? Need advice

There's probably another board for this, but I couldn't find it and generally only post in this forum, so I figured, why  not?

Anyway, yesterday marked 6 months until my wedding day ... and wedding night :) And, of course, my monthly visitor decided to change the date of its visit suddenly, and now - assuming it stays the same for the next 6 months - it will be starting the day of my wedding. Lovely. 

So I have an appointment to see my doctor next week so we can go over the options of how to trick my body into not ruining my big day and night. I've had bad experiences with side effects with Yaz and Orthotricycline, and I'm thinking of asking her about Seasonale. The side effects that I've experienced are weight gain and severe depression, which is why I'm not currently on anything. My doctor is great, but kind of quick to prescribe in the past, so I'd rather get opinions from women who have actually used these things. 

Any advice? 
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Re: Birth control? Need advice

  • carmen9311carmen9311 member
    edited December 2011
    Ortho has a very low hormone level, so if you had trouble with that you may want to try orthtricyclen lo. I've never really had problems with my BC though. I'm on Seasonique now and it's working well. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • juliebug1997juliebug1997 member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    I'm of no help here but I got mine the week of the wedding and it was over by that day.  My body decided to change itself in January before our May wedding so I was worried too.  However, it might just be a one time thing.   
  • edited December 2011
    If you had bad experiences with Yaz and Ortho you will most likely have the same problems with Seasonale as I believe they all have very similar drug compositions.  I would talk to your Dr about some less common pills that have different active drugs.  Also, have you through about the Depo shot?  I take ortho low and was suppose to be on my period for my wedding last week but I just skipped the sugar pills and started a new pack, I had a little cramping but that was it.  The good news is that you have some time to experiment with a few different kinds.
  • edited December 2011
    I was on Seasonale for about a year, and I have to say I was unimpressed.  It was expensive (although I think now you can get generic and pay less), and it didn't really live up to it's promises.  I had spotting every month around the time I would have gotten my period if I wasn't on BC.  Let me tell you, getting it when you're not expecting is way more annoying than just being on something monthly.

    I'm on Lo-Ogestrel right now, which I think is a generic version of Lo-Estrin, and it works fine as long as I take it on time each day.  My period usually only lasts a few days even though the BC doesn't promise that.

    Whether your doc is quick to prescribe or not, you're still paying him, so he needs to listen to your concerns.  My ob was actually the one to bring up the use of BC to make sure I wouldn't be on my period during the wedding or honeymoon.



  • edited December 2011
    Thanks for the advice! I had heard that spotting is common with Seasonale and Seasonique, and I had the same thought - getting it when you're not expecting it seems pretty inconvenient. 

    I'll ask about the low dose ones when I go. 
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  • aggiebugaggiebug member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    BCP work very very different from person to person.  So one person's impression of a drug on here may be very different from how your body responds.

    Be very upfront about your worries and your goals with BC.  They will know best what to try next, and they should also be able to give you a sample of one, if you see the neg side effects can change you to a different drug over the phone.  There are a lot of options out there including a lot of non pill options. 

    good luck! and glad you are thinking about it early, it is nice to get on a schedule and not have to worry about that the day of.
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    Fred Rogers
  • bigbabyfacebigbabyface member
    edited December 2011
    Nuvaring. I'm a fairly small person, any other BC I've tried either stuck me in the ER or made me sick nightly, moody and slightly depressed. I've had minimal side effects....and technically, your monthly visitor doesn't start until you take it out, so it's easy to manipulate. Although if you plan on doing that I suggest condoms for a while. Because my brothers GFs sister ended up prego by trying to manipulate it too much. You can't feel it, and FI says he's never felt it either. You leave it in three weeks, take it out, and your monthly should arrive in that week. A week later, you stick a new one in, no doctor visits, cvs carries it and it's not expensive. Just my two cents :)
  • dianaslikdianaslik member
    edited December 2011

    I know I'm late to the conversation, but thought I'd share my experiences...

    I actually take an "older" form of BC, because, quite frankly, it works for me (without crazy side effects). Generic name: Ogestrel.  Supposedly it's kind of a high dose - and there is a low dose version (forgot the name... ).  Yes, on many occasions, I've skipped the sugar pills, and just not had a period (no spotting or weirdness).

    I didn't like the 3-month ones... (can't remember which one I tried) but it gave me bad side effects (moody, weight, etc).

    I think the Depo shot is the devil... Yeah, I didn't get preggo, and I didn't have a period, but I also gained approx 40lbs in a year.  Another friend (on the same thing, gained almost 60lbs in a year on it).  I know SOME people must like/use it (as it still exists) but my experiences was not so good.

  • edited December 2011
    I think I've tried every BC out there! Lol. I had bad reactions to a lot of different kinds, but I'm on Lenova now. Prescribed from Planned Parenthood.

    Depo Shot: AWFUL! I gained 60 lbs over a year because of it. After I stopped I had a whole month of heavy cycle and couldn't go to work for a few days because I felt so weak.

    Nuva Ring: Not to get too TMI, but my BFF used it and lets just say he was well endowed and things were getting a little heavy, and it fell out! She was mortified and so was the guy.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I love Nuvaring. It has made my life soooo much easier. My period is shorter and lighter so that even if it does occur on the big day it wouldn't matter! Cramps are non existant and I barely notice it's there. It does take a bit of getting used to, like putting it in just the right way and make sure it doesn't slip, but I've only ever had that happen once and it was when I first started with it. I haven't noticed any bad side effects save for a bit of emotional issues but again, that was when I was first adjusting to it. It's a nice change from pills and nice only having to remember it once a month!
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  • tnickel06tnickel06 member
    edited December 2011
    Depo shot causes weight gain because it is progesterone only so I would not recommend that since you had problems with that in the past.

    I've been on Seasonale before and I had break through bleeding. It would be longer than a regular period ~7 days so I got off of that quickly. But the break through bleeding didn't start until after I had been on it for awhile so I would still look into it

    Nuvaring would be easy to manipulate to avoid having your period on your wedding day. Instead of taking it out after 3 weeks, you could put in another one and skip the week without one. I haven't been on this so I can't give you my experience.

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_birth-control-need-advice?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:698c34f7-0d4c-42b4-85de-78678d646767Post:364bc302-bc69-467b-8a60-54d6d27d64c3">Re: Birth control? Need advice</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think I've tried every BC out there! Lol. I had bad reactions to a lot of different kinds, but I'm on Lenova now. Prescribed from Planned Parenthood. Depo Shot: AWFUL! I gained 60 lbs over a year because of it. After I stopped I had a whole month of heavy cycle and couldn't go to work for a few days because I felt so weak. <strong>Nuva Ring: Not to get too TMI, but my BFF used it and lets just say he was well endowed and things were getting a little heavy, and it fell out! She was mortified and so was the guy.</strong>
    Posted by marksle84[/QUOTE]

    I use NuvaRing and this has happened to me once before. FI & I just laughed and then I went & put it back in. It wasn't that big of a deal, I would hope if you're marrying someone that they wouldn't make a huge deal of it. FI also says that he can't feel it either. Also, my OB/GYN says that I can leave it in for 4 weeks and take it out, then put it back after only a day or two of my period. I've done great for over a year now. She says that studies have shown that the BC hormone part lasts longer than originally thought.
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  • edited December 2011
    I so appreciate all of the advice! I will definitely look into the Nuvaring. 
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