So I've never been to the beach before. The last week of May my fiance and I are going down with relatives of his to spend a week at the beach. He always said that he wanted to be the first person to take me to the beach and see it with me. I was wanting to take my engagement photos within the beggining of June. I got to thinking though, and I thought that it would be beautiful to have some engagement photos of us on the beach. It would be something different from what most people here in West Virgina have, the backdrop of mountains and woods and streams and lakes. Which it is all beautiful, but I thought that while I was down there that I should get some pictures taken. I've never been to Florida though, and it is the Daytona Beach area that we are staying in. I wanted to know some good photographers in the area for engagement photos that are cheap. I was hoping around $100, since I'm still getting some taken up here in West Virginia.