Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

Photographers and "deals"

Ok, so my fiance and I are paying for our wedding ourselves. We are on a budget. All of the photographers I talk to want thousands of dollars. I found someone who has done a few weddings (smaller weddings), and will do photos for the ceremony and reception for $400, plus give you all the images on a disc to with as you please. Now, I know that's a really good deal. I am just worried. Should the photographer be one of the things I go cheap on for our wedding? Or should I go cheaper on everything else and pay more for the photographer. I'm nervous...... since we won't be able to do the wedding all over again and re-do those special moments.

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Re: Photographers and "deals"

  • theKylieBridetheKylieBride member
    edited December 2011
    Photography is the one thing I would never, ever, ever, EVER skimp on. BUT, that's because it's the most imporant thing to me. If wedding photos aren't important to you, then focus your money on what will make you happy. :) The only right answer is what YOU want.

    Good luck!
  • edited December 2011
    do not go cheap on the photography, you will learn your lesson quickly and you can only do it once. i have heard horror stories.
  • edited December 2011
    $400 is extreamly low...why is that low? thats the question i would be it bcause the pictures are that awful?, lack of experience? inexpensive equiptment? I would never trust a photographer whos price is under 1000 for 4 hours, or under 2500 for full day. My FI is a photographer, and even starting out he was charging 1000 for a full day, and now that he has more experience he charges about 2000-3000 a wedding  (Depending where, who- was it a referal, and how many hours) and he still is considered a budget photographer, when we were looking for photographers for our wedding, we knew exactally what we wanted (since FI is a wedding photographer and i have portrait studio background) and we didnt even consider anyone who was under 2500.

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  • LauraChristinLauraChristin member
    edited December 2011
    A wedding photographer generally brings at least $15,000 worth of camera gear to shoot a wedding. At least. That would mean they'd have to photograph almost 40 weddings at $400 just to break even on the gear (that needs to be upgraded / replaced regularly). Not counting their time to shoot, edit or to own a computer or any of the other expenses that come along with owning a business. It's just not wise to go with someone that cheap. What the heck are they shooting with? They are certainly not a professional because that rate is not sustainable. I would run.
  • edited December 2011
    FYI-This is a take from a photographer: $400 is not a professional rate. If you are comfortable being a ginny pig or having an amature product than save the money. I would never advise hiring a photographer that does not have a portfolio. Good photographers have been through a training process as an assistant or as at a school. Weddings are very fast in there transitions and moments only happen once. You cannot afford to have someone wondering how to adjust their shutter speed or change their aperature during the cerimony. You can still find a deal out there with someone who has a portfolio but at $400 dollars that photographer does not take themselves seriously so why should you take them seriously? As photographers we hear horror stories all he time; you don't want to be one of them.
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