Wedding Photography and Videography Forum

Different twist on a Videographer?

I just came across in my email a offer for a different take on a videographer and was wondering if anyone has done something like this before and if anyone knows anything about this company.

The company is Wedit:

Their idea is that they would send you 5 Flip cameras, each being able to hold about 2 hours of footage.  You would hand them out to guests at the wedding asking them to take the video for you.  (apparently they also give you post-its and pens to leave notes for each camera).  When you are through, you send the cameras back to them, they upload your footage, store it for you, and either allow you to edit your video or will edit the video for you, allowing you to choose the type of video you would like, music, clips included, etc. 

This sounds like a much more affordable, and fun, take on the traditional videographer, but curious what other's have to say about it.

My questions:

Is this a good idea?
Will it be a burden to the guests we ask (it actually sounds kind of fun to me)?
Is this a waste of money or a great way to save?

Thanks for the advice!
Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: Different twist on a Videographer?

  • for the price they charge this is not something you should do. The reason I say this is because the camera they are using and equipment is not very professional. It's shaky they don't have image stabalization... As a professional 'Cinematographer' this is a constant thing I see with other videographers. They don't know how to make a cinematic edit, and if they truely were professionals, they would be filming with professional cameras. They also charge so much money and if the bride or groom realized there was far better quality out their for less they would be so much happier with their videos. When searching for a videographer... make sure they use a video camera that atleast has interchangeable lenses... otherwise it's no good. Here check out work I have done. I have no weddings posted currently, this weekend I will have one because the bride and groom want it posted on my website... but here is the quality of the camera I use.
  • Thanks for the advice!  I checked out your site and you do great work!  Ever come out to NJ? lol.  But those are great things to keep in mind, so thank you!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited January 2012
    When are you getting married? and what is your price range? actually just email me.
  • Since the advent of professional cameras that shoot HD video, some professional photographers are offering video coverage. I started doing this year offering fusion movies and it has been quite popular. I have some fusion sample movies here:
  • What you have described is a novel idea and along the lines of putting disposable cameras on tables.  Whether they will be utilized depends a lot on your guests and your wedding. Often times those cameras are underutilized, not used at all, or result in disappointing images.  They are not professional cameras and not operated by professionals.  So if you are expecting quality video, smooth sequences, well composed, properly lit, with good color, contrast and audio, you might be very disappointed.  If you just want some funky shots, it might work for you.  If the room is well lit, has no backlight issues, you might get better results than if the room is dimly lit (the shots will be muddy and dark).  Of course the audio will be “room sound” which might be very distracting and undesirable. So only you can decide if this is for you or not. If you want quality that you will watch over and over again, take a look at a seasoned professional’s work and then decide.  Good luck!  P.S.  I am a successful full-time videographer in the DC area and after hundreds of events; I feel I am qualified to offer this advice.

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