My two best friends have offered to host a shower sometime in late June/early July. Last weekend FMIL informed me she wants to host another shower for me two days before the wedding so that FI's family (most of whom I've never met) can be there. I'm not thrilled with the timing but she'll be really upset if I decline, so whatever.
I have two questions:
1) She wants me to ensure that FI's aunts and female cousins are invited to both showers. I've always been told one shower invite per person unless it's the mother/grandmother or maybe the wedding party. Otherwise it seems terribly gift-grabby to me. Am I being unreasonable?
2) Can I ask her to include my mom and grandmother at their family one? I know I'm going to be exhausted and stressed out 2 days before the wedding, and I don't know that I can face a room full of strangers alone.