I recently received an invitation to my cousin's bachelorette party. Coincidentally it falls during my honeymoon so I won't be attending, but I'm curious how everyone else feels about this.
This surprise "party" is actually a weekend in a hotel in downtown Toronto (huge city). The bride is unaware (unless she posts on this board, heh). The festivities involve paying $35/night to stay in a hotel room with 5 (?!) other girls, most of whom don't know each other. Then paying for a taxi to another nearby city (about 45 minutes away with downtown traffic) to go to a male strip joint. Along with drinks and everything else, of course.
This in itself is not unusual, aside from the fact that I cannot imagine my prim and proper school teacher cousin living it up at a strip club. The strange part comes in when I found out that my mother was invited. On further investigation it turns out that all of my aunts and grandmother (ages 42-65 or so) were invited, including the bride's mother. Although the party's being hosted by the MOH, I suspect the aunts were invited because the bride's mother is paying for the wedding.
Does this strike anyone else as strange? Would you want to go to a male strip club with your 50 year old aunts (they are attending, BTW, except for my mom)? How about shouting "Woo, Grandma! Look at that guy shake!!!"? I just can't imagine that this is normal..