Pre-wedding Parties

Re: .

  • edited December 2011
    Probably not any. I feel weird registering for things, like it's telling people what to give me. In my circle, everyone just gives money anyway. Even if someone does throw a shower, they just get money, maybe a gift card. My fiance and I also live together, and we pretty much have everything anyway. When we moved in together, we bought nice stuff because we figured we would keep it a while, and our parents and grandparents got us the fancier things, like serving platters, wine glaasse, champagne glasses, etc. Besides, a lot of the stuff that we could potentially register for, we can get for a lot less at a place like Amazing Savings, so I would feel really bad registering for say a microwave at Bed Bath and Beyond, knowing that I can just go and get that same microwave from Amazing Savings for half the price. 

    Then again, most of my friends didn't have bridal showers either, so it's not a particularly strange thing in my circle of people. 
  • edited December 2011
    I'm having three. Two because my parents are divorced and don't get along, so I have to split those families up... and then the third for my fiances family.  Their idea, not mine :-)
  • edited December 2011
    It becomes excessive when you start having overlapping guest lists. If all these parties involve separate groups of people (like one for friends, one for family, a work shower or a church shower) then I think you're fine. But if you're inviting the same people to multiple showers, then you're having too many. 
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: How many showers are you having?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I'm having three. Two because my parents are divorced and don't get along, so I have to split those families up... and then the third for my fiances family.  Their idea, not mine :-)
    Posted by Jillian1104[/QUOTE]

    <div>This is the same reason I'm having two - we are inviting about 340 people to the wedding, so our families talked amongst themselves early on and decided that each family should have a seperate shower (immediate family/wedding party are getting invited to both). Even though everyone is in the same city for the most part, we could have easily ended up having a shower with over 100 people.</div>
  • I don't think it's excessive to have multiples because usually you're not the one throwing them.  If people are offering to throw you showers or are planning them and not telling you, how can you know you may have more than one or two?  I'm having two, I think, because my FMIL wanted to have one in her area since their side of the fmaily is older and has a harder time traveling, so they would have some difficulty making it down to NY for just a few hours.  Then there's one happening here in NY for my mother's side and all that.  You can't  help if people throw you showers and it's not like you're asking for them so why would it be excessive if it's out of your control??  Just enjoy what people are doing for you, be gracious, and remember to send thank yous and perhaps a trinket for appreciation (like a bottle of wine) and that's all. 
    -Paola- Wedding Countdown Ticker
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