Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

OL Tuesday

Dear Tuesday,
Please be more kind than Monday.
-Tired Knottie-

Dear Work,
I am going to need divine intervention to survive you by myself for a week.  I am thankful to have a job but I am so tired of fighting fires all day, every day.
-Burned Out Employee-
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Re: OL Tuesday

  • Dear FI, you totally think I'm at work right now, but I've actually stolen your camera to use as a prop, and am sitting at Starbucks waiting for my makeup appointment so I can go take sexy pictures. Muah hahahaha I so sneaky. Sincerely, Gotta find some wine
  • Dear Vacation, You were awesome. So sad you're over. Here's until next time. Love, Counting Down the Days Carrie, That is awesome! My DH was out of town when I took mine, so I didn't feel that sneaky, BUT, I did feel really weird checking into a hotel room for just a few hours! And I had a few beers before my session. Good luck, and have a blast, they're so fun!!
  • Dear Dream Job,
    CALL ME! It's been a week, and I know you havent hired anyone yet! I know you are busy because there are several positions to fill and blah blah blah.. but call me and put me out of my misery. You loved me remember????

    Dear BF,
    I know you have been working like a DOG, and I can't wait to get so spend some ACTUAL quality time with you this weekend (YAY), but when you are home in the middle of the day would you please be able to put the dishes from the dinner I cooked you last night in the dishwasher? It would make cooking you dinner tonight that much more enjoyable.
    Please clean up SOMETHING, but I LOVE YOU

    Dear Me,
    Relax! You will get your dream job, and life is going to be fine. Stop stressing so much, your giving yourself wrinkles and headaches!

  • Dear anyone,
    It's really neat to see pictures of your own wedding on Pinterest.  Even if it's only your wedding coordinator pinning them.



  • edited June 2012
    Dear sinus infection, Really? Is six weeks before the hugest, most important exam in my life the best time to attack me? Please die quickly. fearless leader Dear FI, Thank you thank you thank you for doing all the grocery shopping and laundry, helping out with my three year old, paying the bills, and putting up with my bar exam mood swings. I promise I will be back to normal on July 27. Xoxoox, Me.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Dear Lunch, 
    Let's find a way to meet today. Yes? 
    Extremely irritable without you!

  • Dear Employee,
    You won't be seeing much of me today after I give you your verbal warning I'm going to be in the back room spring cleaning the mess that's built up back there. So you better be on your best behavior and take care of those customers because I will be spying on you.

    Irritated Boss Lady~ who is ready to fire my whole staff.

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  • Dear work,
    This is it! Last day before vacay! Please be kind to me. You've already outdone yourself by cancelling the weekly Operations meeting, so lets stay on that track.

    Dear J,
    Please don't drive like a maniac on our 16 hr. road trip. I want to actually be able to snooze without fear that you are going to sideswipe a median or something. I also don't want to feel compelled to drive the whole way to North Carolina.
    Your backseat driver wife
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_ol-tuesday-140?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:7fe8d170-19bf-4615-a64d-d48a69b00a7ePost:b2f00bcf-e47e-4c58-8b52-f958d24df4e9">Re: OL Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear work, This is it! Last day before vacay! Please be kind to me. You've already outdone yourself by cancelling the weekly Operations meeting, so lets stay on that track. Dueces, Court Dear J, <strong>Please don't drive like a maniac on our 16 hr. road trip.</strong> I want to actually be able to snooze without fear that you are going to sideswipe a median or something. I also don't want to feel compelled to drive the whole way to North Carolina. Love, Your backseat driver wife
    Posted by courtski2004[/QUOTE]
    This is what I have to look forward to on our 12 hour trip to Iowa at the end of the month. Man does my FI's driving freak me out.
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  • Dear Insurance Investigator,
    I'm glad you finally called so that I could give my side of the story, but you completely killed my nap buzz.  I was just getting ready to doze off!
  • OH Wow! My wish has come true and I have to share. Although the timing is horrible but it's for the best. My ASM finally made her last mistake. I just got we word we are going to release her of her position. Bad thing is my key holder goes on vacation next week so this could mean several 12 +  hour days next week. We are not going to do this until Monday it gives me time to write up the proper paper work. Luckily there are a couple possible candidates in the works already.

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  • Dear Spin Class,

    You were amazing, but my butt is so sore today! We will have to figure something out next time.

    Dear MOH,

    I love you for your amazingness and that you are cutting my hair today and your ideas for a bridal shower and your helpfulness in everything! Some people just make this wedding thing so much easier.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited June 2012
    Dear Name Change,

    Had I known you would have been this big of a pain, I would have just kept my maiden name. In the past two days, I have sent 9 letters to my creditors, frequent flyer programs, and all three credit bureaus. My hand is tired from addressing all those envelopes! I think the only two left are my student loans and mortgage at this point...

    Dear Amanda,

    My sister showed me a periodic table seating chart someone posted online a few weeks back, and I thought of you!

    PS Hallllllllllp!!!!!!!!!eleventyBBQWTF
    ~DFWs Resident Snark~
    I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_ol-tuesday-140?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:7fe8d170-19bf-4615-a64d-d48a69b00a7ePost:b0f765db-9407-4359-884e-2962ecc92e84">Re: OL Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]ETA PS Hallllllllllp!!!!!!!!!eleventyBBQWTF
    Posted by FebDallasBride[/QUOTE]

    Holy OMG amazeballs, haaaalllpppppppp you reminded me that I need to RSVP to da BBQ.

    Dear God,
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    Courage to change the things I can,
    And wisdom to know the difference.

    Cause people be cray cray, and I can't change that. Any bit of violence I might wish to inflict on them will not make them smarter, it would just make me feel better. Stupidity should be just painful for the addresser as it is to the addressee's brain.
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_ol-tuesday-140?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:7fe8d170-19bf-4615-a64d-d48a69b00a7ePost:b0f765db-9407-4359-884e-2962ecc92e84">Re: OL Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE] PS Hallllllllllp!!!!!!!!!eleventyBBQWTF
    Posted by FebDallasBride[/QUOTE]
    Help me plan my sister/cousin/brother/dogs wedding please. 
  • Dear Wendi, you are better than I am.  I only changed it with bank, drivers license and SS, everything else is still under my maiden name and will likely stay that way for a while...a long while.
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_ol-tuesday-140?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:7fe8d170-19bf-4615-a64d-d48a69b00a7ePost:cb316ace-0f3d-46ac-bc9f-7811a801a137">Re: OL Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: OL Tuesday :  Dear God, Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. --Court Cause people be cray cray, and I can't change that. Any bit of violence I might wish to inflict on them will not make them smarter, it would just make me feel better. Stupidity should be just painful for the addresser as it is to the addressee's brain.
    Posted by courtski2004[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>We are together in mindset today.  Good thing I have an Al-Anon meeting tonight! :P

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