Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

My programs template

Hey ladies
A few of you mentioned that you liked the programs I had.  I got the idea from a knottie on the DIY board.  Here is the link

It's not as easy as it looks. Here are a few tips. 

1.  Write out the program completely (I mean, have everything exactly the way you want it, totally proofed, etc) before you start.  This will save you tons of reformatting time. Because it's in Word, every time you change one word, it changes all of the pages and the titles at the bottom won't line up.

2. Get paper that is not shimmery and thick.  The shimmery text that I bought at cards and paper (I think) was perfect for all of htem. I had thought I needed a heavier card stock for the back and that got me into trouble.  A thick text is fine.

3. Put one full program into your paper cutter at a time. At first my friend did each page separately and that was a nightmare because they were all a bit different in size. Just take an entire program and cut it in half on your cutter. That way you can line it up perfectly.

4.  Have some wine, recruit a friend and expect it to take some time. It was a labor of love but I loved the finish product.

Good luck, feel free to ask questions. I am happy to help.


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