Texas-Dallas and Ft. Worth

OL Tuesday

Dear Motivation,
Feel free to kick in at any time.

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Re: OL Tuesday

  • Dear Knotties,
    I'm back! I'm an OMH with so much wisdom, experience, and intelligence.
    H (I typed FI at first!) and I are going to make the 1.5 hour to Montague County and back to open our presents and swim. I have to go back to work tomorow, but at least I got a killer tan!
  • Welcome back cwagg! I'm glad that you had your perfect day :)

    Dear Wedding Week,

    Please don't be as stressful as you are looking to be. I have SO much stuff to get done!

    -4 days to go!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Carrie-
    Welcome back you OMH! :-)

    IEverything WILL get done. Try to enjoy these last few days!

    Dear body-
    I don't know what you are trying to tell me but leaving work early to lay in the fetal position all day was not a good start to my week. Please stop by my bridal shower Saturday.
  • Deborah,
    Do your very very best to just relax and enjoy this time.  People are coming in to celebrate YOU and you're getting married!  Yay!

    Dear massage,
    I am so happy I get to see you today.
    -Hurty hurt



  • Dear Carrie,
    Yayyy, congrats! That sounds like a perfect way to end your time off.

    Dear Body,
    Please gain some freaking energy. It's only Tuesday and I really want to get in 40-50 miles on my bike this week...come on!!
    -Ready to be beach-ready
  • Dear bicyclists, 

    If I am jogging on a footbridge, please do not go whizzing by me without a) slowing down b) warning me of which way you are passing. Narrow spaces + 6am Amanda = frightful situtation. Next time, I might just punch you off your bike. 

    - Girl with first world problems

    Dear CW,

    Don't go taking 5 minutes repeating what I said in a brief 30 seconds. It makes you look stupid and unoriginal. 
    You're welcome,
    Efficient and Succinct CW
  • Ugh, Amanda, I HATE that!  I get that we share the road, or whatever, but the number of times I've been passed by a cyclist who never uttered a word?  So scary!  I mean, did we learn NOTHING from that girl who died on the Katy Trail?



  • Congrats and welcoem back! Can't wait to see pics and hear reviews.
  • Dear House,

    I'm so glad you did such a great job selling yourself and being on your best behavior through each showing. now please pack yourself up and put your contents in storage until the new house is ready.


    Your loving old owner
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_ol-tuesday-146?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local Wedding BoardsForum:102Discussion:9989714d-4c9c-4845-a963-e4ad4967e00bPost:538b5fc3-08ca-4063-8588-60609ea5d864">Re: OL Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]Dear bicyclists,  If I am jogging on a footbridge, please do not go whizzing by me without a) slowing down b) warning me of which way you are passing. Narrow spaces + 6am Amanda = frightful situtation. Next time, I might just punch you off your bike.  - Girl with first world problems
    Posted by aeliza06[/QUOTE]

    Haha, it's so funny that you posted this after my rant about needing more energy to get my cycling on. I PROMISE I do not do that though. I'm new at it so I'm never really whizzing anyway, and I always yell a warning before I come up on someone. I'm so paranoid that someone might step out in front of me and destroy both of us! I actually had to lecture FI about not giving walkers/runners any kind of warning. It's just common courtesy!
  • Haha Tiff, if only a house would pack up itself. Fi is pissing me off today more than usual :( He's trying to keep me to himself the next few days instead of giving me freedom to see my friends coming in town. He needs to get a life.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_ol-tuesday-146?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:9989714d-4c9c-4845-a963-e4ad4967e00bPost:692e822a-f904-4fd5-bf7e-50ff3b9c6b16">Re: OL Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: OL Tuesday : Haha, it's so funny that you posted this after my rant about needing more energy to get my cycling on. I PROMISE I do not do that though. I'm new at it so I'm never really whizzing anyway, and I always yell a warning before I come up on someone. I'<strong>m so paranoid that someone might step out in front of me and destroy both of us</strong>! I actually had to lecture FI about not giving walkers/runners any kind of warning. It's just common courtesy!
    Posted by ejheart[/QUOTE]
    This is me! I made DH put one of those awesome bells on my handlebars (and by awesome, I clearly mean I was one step away from ribbon streamers to accompany said bell). 

    Amanda, that happened right by my old apartment and I was actually out running about an hour before that happened that day :(. I always run with one earbud out just so I can hear. The Katy trail is so busy all the time now, I just couldn't imagine not being aware of my surroundings. 
  • The majority of cyclists drive me absolutely nuts.  Okay, so you want to be treated like cars and ride on the road.  Fine.  Then go friggin' running through all the red lights because you're a bike and you're not a car.  You shouldn't have it both ways.  You either ride in the street and follow ALL traffic laws or you ride on trails.  I've had one too many cyclists pull out right in front of my car flying through red lights because he/she thought they didn't apply to them.  If I'm on a bike on a roadway, you can sure bet that I will ALWAYS yield to a car.  No matter who is right or who is wrong, the cyclist will never be the one that wins.

    Same with peds.  I get that you have the right of way... but when you run at night in all dark clothing with no reflectors on a trail with no lights and run right out in front of cars with their signals on, don't get upset about it.  Again, someone will ALWAYS win in the situation, and its not you.

    :::steps off soapbox::: Dang, sorry 'bout that.
    Anniversary Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • Dear Amanda in Oklahoma-

    Can't wait to see you this weekend!

    Dear week-

    Please hurry and end. I am not looking forward to having ot play "catch up" on my birthday from being out at a trade show all tomorrow. UGH!
    ~DFWs Resident Snark~
    I'm not so good with the advice... Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?
  • Dear all DFW area ISD's,
    While the job fair was the most frustrating/discouraging day ever, I am feeling better that I have gotten several interviews lined up for this week from OTHER districts. Please realize I am awesome and that you want to hire me on the spot. I am getting anxious that the school year is getting closer and closer, and I still have to give some notice to my current job. Oh and I am out of town the first week in August. So lets just wrap this up ok??? HIRE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • abwatts,
    I forgot what you teach.  I just got an email about a 1st grade teaching job, if you're interested.

    Dear Wendi,




  • Dear Professor.
    WHERE!!?? DEFINITELY interested! I teach EC-6, Math 4-8, and SpecEd EC-12. I have an interview with Irving tomorrow for a MS Math position, then next week an interview with Grapevine for a 5th grade position. I went to a Dallas ISd job fair last weekend and it broke my spirit.. it was the worst!
  • edited July 2012
    Just PMed you the info!

    Edit: Okay, I keep getting an error message...  trying again...

    Edit2: What's your email address?  I'll just forward the email to you.



  • Sent!  You can go ahead and DD your email if you want.  =)



  • In Response to <a href="http://forums.theknot.com/Sites/theknot/Pages/Main.aspx/local-wedding-boards_texas-dallas-ft-worth_ol-tuesday-146?plckFindPostKey=Cat:Local%20Wedding%20BoardsForum:102Discussion:9989714d-4c9c-4845-a963-e4ad4967e00bPost:2746b254-fc87-4e3f-bda7-47af6fa873d3">Re: OL Tuesday</a>:
    [QUOTE]The majority of cyclists drive me absolutely nuts.  Okay, so you want to be treated like cars and ride on the road.  Fine.  <strong>Then go friggin' running through all the red lights because you're a bike and you're not a car</strong>.  You shouldn't have it both ways.  You either ride in the street and follow ALL traffic laws or you ride on trails.  I've had one too many cyclists pull out right in front of my car flying through red lights because he/she thought they didn't apply to them.  If I'm on a bike on a roadway, you can sure bet that I will ALWAYS yield to a car.  No matter who is right or who is wrong, the cyclist will never be the one that wins. Same with peds.  I get that you have the right of way... but when you run at night in all dark clothing with no reflectors on a trail with no lights and run right out in front of cars with their signals on, don't get upset about it.  Again, someone will ALWAYS win in the situation, and its not you. :::steps off soapbox::: Dang, sorry 'bout that.
    Posted by angelsong21[/QUOTE]
    This. But when they ride on the sidewalk not all of them stop for "don't walk" signs. I almost hit someone like that in college...they had don't walk, I had a green light and they just kept on going. 
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