Registry and Gift Forum

Ugh!! Target... *Rant*

So my MOH told me that my project for the week is to finish our registeries (shes planning the shower and wanted me to be mostly finished with them). So FI and I go to target and spend three hours there scanning and what not. . I look at the registry this morning and 20 items  are 'No longer available'. . the scanner never said anything about this last night. Then half of the things we scanned in the store are saying theyre 'online only' (when we scanned them in the store!)Im just frustrated because the things that are no longer available are some of the things we really wanted and need. I love target, but this irks me! We're making a registry with Bed Bath and Beyond too so Im hoping that we'll be able to find some of those items there. Sorry to rant hope you're all having a great day!
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Re: Ugh!! Target... *Rant*

  • I have no helpful advice, but I will fully agree that sucks, and I sympathize :(
  • they probably went clearance.. check online
  • My MOH had a nightmare of a time returning and/or exchanging things from her registry from Target. They were really really unhelpful! (Really disappointing since it's one of my fav. stores!)
    Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • This is why I hate our Target registry, they exact same things happened to us. We're also registered at Bed Bath & Beyond so I took the items from Target and found comparable ones at BBB. However, Target wouldn't let me delete my registry so I have to hope no one stumbles across that mess.
  • Panda,  Thats what we're going to try to do, but there are still a few things that Target has that I'd really like *sigh*. . I used to love the store soo much, but recently they've caused too much crap.
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  • As a store, I love Target... but I am constantly reading about rants and complains about their registry. Such a shame, since because of these negative reviews fewer and fewer bride-to-bes are using them. Sucks for them... they need to work on their customer service.
  • Aw, I hate when that happens. My friend got married last year and by the time I got around to going to get her a gift for her shower, all of the in-store items were purchased and that left only the online-only items on the registry. So I had to get her something else, and then order a gift online for the wedding. Frustrating. I love Target too, but they seem to switch it up a lot (items being offered in-store or not).
  • hmm, I was planning on registering at Target as the cheaper option for my guests, but after reading this blog I'm beginning to rethink that.  Any suggestions on replacement stores in the same price range?
  • Don't panic! When this is stated about a gift if often means it is not a standard product carried in every store across the US. For example, the target stores in Florida carry different home decor than in Minnesota.  If you physically scanned the item you are fine.  Most of your guest will likely shop in the same region. Yes, there is a chance that they may run out of a product or it may go on clearance and be gone but not worries!
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