Registry and Gift Forum

Bridal Shower - 9 Months in Advance

I'm almost sure that many of you are thinking I'm CRAZY just by the Subject of my post... BUT, let me give you the breakdown of the full situation.  Any/all posts are welcome as I'm not, at all, a 'Gimme, gimme, high-maintenance bridezilla!'

Engaged on: 1/26/11
Wedding Date: 06/09/12

I know that bridal showers, and the like, are supposed to be a surprise, but we have to do things slightly differently.  I am from Utah--where my family all still lives--but live and work in New York now where my fiance` and most of his family still is and friends live.  My sister from Utah (Maid of Honor) is flying to NY this September to go dress shopping with me.  This is a big deal as she's never been to NY or met my future in-laws, and they're from a more laid back, naive part of the country.  I want to treat her to a nice time and also, seeing the customs on the east coast now will help her once the wedding comes around.  My future mother-in-law is going to host the bridal shower THEN (September 2011)while she's here in town.  We're almost all lined up to get invitations ordered and get this going.  I'm on board. 

However, I just starting thinking and I KNOW that 9 months is SUPER early because a lot can change.  i.e. co-workers may not be co-workers in a year's time, people may think that I'm just on a gift-getting frenzy by having one early, etc., but I really would like SOMEONE from my family to be able to take part in it.  I'm trying to keep the shower as secret as possible to myself besides the date, but am almost sure my future mother-in-law has a venue.  I don't feel that it's completely necessary to back out of it as her husband (my future father-in-law) is retired and she, herself, has only one year left of work... the co-workers she's friends with now will most likely still be friends next year (She's been there over 30 years).  I'm just concerned about co-workers of mine and my fiance`s.  What if our co-workers leave or we leave?  Would it be bad if they come to the shower, quit, and then aren't invited to the wedding?  I know it's hard to base all of this on 'What if?' but I'd love your guys' thoughts:   

Do I maybe not invite my/my fiance`s co-workers to the shower? 
Do you think that they'd realize enough themselves that if they doubted they'd be around next June that they'd just excuse themselves from the shower to not feel I'm taking advantage of them?

Ay, yi, yi!

I appreciate all input.
Thanks so much!


An over concerned Bride-to-Be about the shower being TOO non-traditional

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