Registry and Gift Forum

C&B vs WS and how many places should we register?

I love to cook so there are certain items that Williams-Sonoma offers (i.e. Le Creuset and Riedel wine glasses) that Crate and Barrel doesn't.  Part of me wants to register at both places, but part of me feels like their merchandise is very similar.  Does anyone have any thoughts or suggestions about this?  We're also probably going to register at Bed Bath and Beyond for our towels, bedding, vacuum, kitchen gadgets, etc. Would 3 places too many to register?  We're inviting about 160 people to the wedding and I don't want to seem over zealous about gifts!  I'd consider registering at Macy's, but we don't have a good store nearby and we want to be able to see what were picking versus just looking online.  Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

Re: C&B vs WS and how many places should we register?

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    I think three is fine! I do know someone that registered for 5... that looks greedy!

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    You might get the side-eye for regsitering at both C&B and W&S since they are both high end stores. I would consider keeping one and going to target or BB&B for the other. JCPenny and Kohl's would also be good.
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    I think that WS and C&B are fine, as long as your third registry is like a BB&B (like you mentioned.)
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    We have 3 registries too, we did Crate & Barrel, BBB, and Target. Each stores had different things we wanted/needed.
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    I have to disagree that Crate and Barrel is high end. There are plenty of reasonably priced items there. WS is higher end I would say. We registered at both, but our WS reg is much smaller since there are only select items that they have that CB doesn't.
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    In Response to <a href="">Re: C&B vs WS and how many places should we register?</a>:
    [QUOTE]<strong>You might get the side-eye for regsitering at both C&B and W&S since they are both high end stores</strong>. I would consider keeping one and going to target or BB&B for the other. JCPenny and Kohl's would also be good.
    Posted by jinxed8605[/QUOTE]

    I disagree. About half the items on my C&B registry are under $30. WS is a little higher, especially since you'll likely be registering for LeCreuset and nice cookware.

    FI and I already have nice cookware (Kitchenaid and LeCreuset), but if we didn't I would have wanted to register for it. We registered at C&B for things like place settings, a few kitchen gadgets, flatwear, champagne flutes, etc. We're doing BB&B for linens and a few more low-end kitchen items. I think for 160 guests 3 registries is fine.
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