Registry and Gift Forum

What do I do?

When registering do you register for the same stuff at all stores or some stuff or should they all be different? I'm so confused!!

Re: What do I do?

  • In Response to <a href="">What do I do?</a>:
    [QUOTE]When registering do you register for the same stuff at all stores or some stuff or should they all be different? I'm so confused!!
    Posted by Tigersbballgal[/QUOTE]

    <div>I would register for different things at different stores.  If you register for duplicate items then you might end up with more than one of the same item.  I wouldn't want to bounce between a few registries checking to see if an item was purchased at another store.</div>

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • We made a list of all the things we wanted to register for. It was a BIG list. And then we went to BBB, and registered for most of the things there. We couldn't come to an agreement on bedding or plates, and there were some things, like chop sticks, that we couldn't find. We finished our registry at C&B where we were able to find the rest of the things that we liked. If we saw something at C&B that we liked better than what we had registered for at BBB, then we registered, and made a note to take it off the BBB registry online later. 
    When all was said and done, our BBB registry had about 100 items, and our C&B had about 30. 

    I'm sure there are lots of ways to go about it, but I liked our method, and it worked well for us.
  • I think this is a very individual question, but the short answer is you should try to make each registry unique so your guests have less to worry about as far as doubling up on gifts. We registered at two stores, with 24 items on one list and 16 on the other. We had a crossover of about 6 items, and of those only 1 or 2 would actually need to be returned if we received doubles. It was a sort of compromise for us, as my fiancee thought crossover on the listings was okay and I was uncomfortable with it.
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