So FI and I both decided that for our toasting glasses, we didn't want to spend a lot of money on "special" glasses that would only be used for like 10 minutes at our ceremony, and then sit on a shelf until they got knocked over and broken, lol. So we decided to just take a couple of cheap champagne glasses we already owned, and glue ribbons and decorations on them to spruce them up a bit.
This morning, I get a text from FI's sister, asking if we have toasting glasses. I told her we did, and she asked if we were especially partial to them. I said no, because a glass is a glass. So she told me that her and her husband have bought us a really expensive set of toasting glasses that say bride and groom on them, and she wanted to surprise us but realized we might already have some, so she wanted to check. She said she'll be giving them to us next week at their brother's wedding.
Now, i'm not ungrateful, but I feel ridiculous accepting these as a gift. For one thing, FI and I are practical by nature, so spending that much money on something that would be used once and then forgotten about seems like such a waste, and not something we'd want. Two, the gift has really no meaning to us, because to them they're these expensive things, but to us they're just freakin' glasses. We don't drink champagne so they would literally never be used again (we're just putting soda in our glasses to toast with). It's also one of those gifts that you can't just say "Oh, thank you!" and then maybe return at a later time, because obviously they would expect us to use them at our wedding, which they'll be attending. What am I supposed to do here?