Second Weddings

I have returned, married! Long recap and a couple PIP teasers

Hey all!! I just got married yesterday and it was great! Just so you know, I am running on my 4th day of barely any sleep so if this is rambly, that's why lol.

I was stressed out of my mind on Friday and Saturday night, it was completely insane. The rehearsal was okay, although I was REALLY pissed off at my dad. I had spelled it out to him the night before that he HAD to be at the church at 3:30 for the rehearsal, and he said okay. Unfortunately, he also had been abusing his medical marijuana a little bit, so he was apparently too stoned to remember it. I called him about 5 minutes before the rehearsal when he still wasn't there. He didn't even remember that he had to be at the church, but once reminded said he was on his way. 20 minutes later, I called him again and he said he was caught in traffic and would take another half hour to get there, so we just had to have it without him (although he did show up for the food at the rehearsal dinner - go figure). We put all of our food trays together and there was a few minutes of drama over that, but I refused to allow it to continue. We dragged ourselves home late, then hauled all of the stuff needed for the reception out to (then) FI's car.

The day of the wedding, everything went great with the exception of a few snafus. Apparently I'd gotten all of the stress out of my system the night before, because NOTHING was getting to me yesterday. At one point when I was getting my hair done, FI texted me and told me that the linens needed to be ironed, and they didn't have an iron so they put them in the oven (They were joking). I took it seriously and was just like "okay, just don't burn them!" lol! There was no rushing, we just really enjoyed the whole experience. We had a small group of guests (only about 30 made it) so there was no stress of trying to talk to everyone, because we had plenty of time. A lot of brides say that their day went by like a whirlwind, but for me it didn't. It didn't drag out either, but I would say it paced itself out perfectly.

Our few snafus went as follows: We'd planned to take some posed shots before the wedding but we took longer than expected to get ready, so that didn't happen. One of DH's groomsmen forgot to bring pants with his suit, so they had to go run to the store to buy pants, lol. My dad was almost late (again) but he did eventually make it on time so all was ok. My bustle did not work AT ALL, at least one loop was missing from it, so I had to carry it around by the hanger loop on the underneath the whole night. Because of that, I ended up accidentally getting it hooked on my shoe doing the cha cha slide, and ended up falling on my ass. It's on video so i'm sure it'll go viral soon, lol. A lot of people didn't come so the hall looked a little sparse, and everyone left after only two hours so we closed down early. When we got my cake, the bakery at the store forgot to put my freaking cake topper on it or send it with us at all, so someone had to run back and get it. And last but not least, while DH's uncle (who is a pastor) was giving the prayer to bless the food, my aunt Linda decided to take a phone call and talk VERY LOUDLY on it. It's all minor things, and they were (and still are) kind of annoying, but it was still a great time.

One of the best parts of the day has to be this. My photographer was a friend of ours from ADT, where DH still works and I used to work. She agreed to do our photography for us for just 50 dollars, even though she's literally right about to go pro and could have charged a lot more. We gave her a check, and halfway through the reception she slipped DH the check back, and said "this is my wedding gift to you." She did our photography for us, including all the work cleaning them up and rights to all the photos, for free. I can't wait to see them!

But for now, here's a couple teasers that were taken with my camera!

Me right before I walked down the aisle, waiting in the back room.

Me laying on the bed in our hotel room, sans shoes and totally exhausted.

Re: I have returned, married! Long recap and a couple PIP teasers

  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Congrats Firey!  You looked beautiful.
  • edited December 2011
    Congrats!  You look beautiful!
    Created by Wedding Favors
  • Lisa50Lisa50 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Love that smile, girly girl.  Good for you!  Congratulations!!  Now get some sleep.  Please ...
  • edited December 2011
    Congratulations!  You look lovely and very happy. 

    While each of your snafus is annoying-- in a few weeks, they will be a source of a great chuckle. 

    And yeah for a small personal event, where you could spend time with everyone and not be rushing around trying to see everyone.  Makes it so much more memorable.  ~Donna
  • Sue-n-KevinSue-n-Kevin member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    Congrats on what sounds like a lovely day! You look SO pretty in your pics, love the one laying in bed. Great idea!

    And yay for such a great friend for the free photos! Our photographer is not pro yet, but has done great pics for people he knows, including our engagement pics. I'm looking forward to posing, LOL.
  • fireytigerfireytiger member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Well, the snafus pretty much immediately became a thing to laugh at afterward, i'm not even upset by them at this point. They're just pretty clearly snafus. Even when they happened, I was mostly annoyed by them, then just let it go after a couple minutes. The falling on my butt while doing the cha cha slide was instantly a thing to laugh at, lol. I was laying on the floor laughing hysterically, and our photographer yells out "I GOT IT!! IT'S ON VIDEO!!!" so i'm sure that'll be a great viral video in a couple weeks. :P

    I still can't believe my aunt took a phone call in the middle of the blessing. We don't even know where that one came from, but she was talking so loud on the phone, that I could barely hear DH's uncle saying the prayer when he was standing right next to us, and he was using a microphone. <_< She was also at the opposite end of the room, so yeah. But, it's my family, there had to be at least one point when one of them did something obnoxious. :)
  • edited December 2011
    Congratulations!!! You look beautiful!!

    The same thign happened on the bustle at my first wedding, and this time one of my hooks kept coming out.  Why is that part so dang hard?!?!

  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Congratulations!!  You look lovely and happy!!  Can't wait to see more photos!  

    As for the snafus  - they will become more humorous as time goes by. 
  • edited December 2011
    You were beautiful!  Your day sounds like it was wonderful, snafus and all.  Why do bustles cause such problems?  Sorry about it causing the fall, but so glad to hear you took it in stride.
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