This is me and my fiances second marriage. His first marriage was traditional, nothing big. My last marriage was semi-planned, trashed, and we went with eloping.
My soon to be husband is currently deployed leaving me to do all the planning, organizing, and occasionally he brainstorms with me.
I've got a million ideas and a budget that mocks me sarcastically. I have a general idea on what to do, how to go about it but here is the problem..
I'm confused!!!!!!
I'm doing this by myself with almost zero help fired MOH (maid of honor) that's another story, I have no family, his family is split and busy. I don't quite know how to organize the ceremony/reception or how to get people to do things, once they show up, or how to get things to flow evenly.
We've created a sorta mess, in not having a traditional deejay situation, having a potluck dinner/semi-catered, and a million other things that require someone handling/controlling, creating an issue with finding warm bodies to do so, preferably without having to pay an arm and a leg.
I need someone to just 'manage' everything, because I'm not management material. I think the wedding day is going to be chaotic, and I'd rather enjoy the day and not have to be so stretched thin micro-managing every little thing, having to circle to make sure everything is being done or going to get done..
God what should I do?
I'm ready to pull my hair out, this is why I keep dropping elope hints.