Second Weddings

Need to vent-Long

As mentioned in previous posts my mother and I are not very close at all.  She is very jealous and insecure.  That said here is my vent:I need two classes to get my transfer degree so I can start working on my bachelor's.  Being a single mom I qualify for fasfa.  With planning a wedding and ex wanting to take me to court to reduce cs I knew that I couldn't pay for this out of pocket.  Why not take advantage of the fin aid?So yesterday I registered at the local cc and had all my stuff transfered so that I can start fall quarter.  The catch is that I can't just take the two classes I need, I also have to take another program.My mom called last night and not even thinking I told her that I was going to go back to school.  Her response: "What are you stupid? You have a child and are getting married."  Well thanks for being supportive mom.  In the last two years I have raised my child, worked full time and carried an average class load of 20 credits/quarter.  I did ok, walked out of it with an ATA in Business Management and a Certificate in Project Management.  I tried to explain to her that having an AA in accounting and my AA (the one that will transfer for my BA) is only going to benefit me.I know it is going to be a rough year but I got so much wedding stuff done over the summer I am not worried about it.  Why can't she just be supportive for a change?  I know that is a stupid question because it will enver happen.  I hope that when my daughter grows up that I have the strength to bite my tongue when need be and help her accomplish her dreams.Thank you for letting me vent....FI gets a little tired of these arguements that happen with my mom.
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Re: Need to vent-Long

  • edited December 2011
    Hugs! You will be a better mom to your child because of all the pain your mother causes you. I think you need to not tell your mom so much you already know how she is gonna react to you. Still want you to know you are doing great and as long as you can do it then you are good to go.  Your FI sounds like he supports it and that is all that matters.  
  • Lauren5280Lauren5280 member
    edited December 2011
    I'm sorry you're having a rough time with your mom. Keep your chin up! You'll make it!
  • edited December 2011
    Kudos to you for identifying the importance in your life of an education, and of accepting the challenge at a time when you have plenty else on your plate.  With your positive attitude, I am sure it will all work out fine-- and now you have the loving support of your FI- so you are not going it alone.  Even if your Mom couldn't say it to you, you are doing something important for your life- good job.  ~Donna
  • jeannigirljeannigirl member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Way to go girl thats awesome. I know that it hurts to not have your mother be supportive. You are doing this to make a better life for your child and yourself and for you marriage. So I would just not say to much to her about what you are doing. You keep it up your doing the right thing.Shame on mom for not biting her tongue. I had to do the same thing my mom and I butt heads and she can't keep her lips shut so I don't tell her much of anything has she is not always encouraging either and if its something I don't want the whole family to know I tell her nothing. I learned a hard lesson on that one and I even told her that I can't trust her has she blabs to my sisters. OMG its so aggravating.
  • edited December 2011
    Sorry to hear about the mom thing.  You are doing a great job.  I know moms can be sometimes a big bummer to are happinest, but remember you will always be her little girl and she thinks life should be easier for you.  I agree with the others you have a support team in place.  Lean on them, not mom.  She doesn't needed to know everything, just the happy things.  My mother has passed, somedays I wish I could call her and just hear the words "I told you so" or " Do what you want, you will anyway." Stay strong and it will turn out great. Best wishes to your family.
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