Second Weddings

DD? Or am I just missing it?

From the woman who was aggravated that her FI's family still spoke with the ex?  Anybody see it?  Dang, I should have called a DD, I thought about it.  And for the woman who dd'd her post--you posted, you get opinions. You may not always like 'em, but if you post, you open yourself up to the world.  And that means the world that tells you that you do not decide for other adults who they can and can't speak with. 
image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.

Re: DD? Or am I just missing it?

  • edited December 2011
    Handfast- I saw it earlier and while I had my thoughts about it I couldn't bring myself to comment on it.  I am slightly on the fence about it.  I think it was rude for the family to constantly talk about her.  I might have felt a little insecure in that situation.  However as many women said we are all adults and can choose who we want to talk to.
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  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Totally agree with you--I would have been aggravated if my to be In-Laws were talking about the ex, but I think her FI told them to stop.  I gotta be honest that it aggravates me that my daughter still has contact with a lot of her dad's family, because I think they have issues.  But they are her family, too, and I will be the first to admit I have my own issues.  So, I've learned to just move on, and try to be the best influence I can for her life.   The tough part will be in 9 days when they'll be IN MY HOUSE for my daughter's wedding reception. (I really didn't think they'd show since they live thousands of miles away!) I will be needing lots of positive energy from you ladies so I can maintain a positive energy and attitude myself! 
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
  • edited December 2011
    Sending lots of positive energy yoour way. I wish you and your daughter a wonderful wedding! When I was first divorced, my brother (fortunately now lives in NC so has mittle opportunity) was close with my ex. He invited him to my Godson's christening and since we were newly separated (not even divorced) and he was being an a$$ to me, it was VERY difficult. I only said something to my brother no one else, and we almost got into a pretty heated confrontation. I let it go, but it really bothered me that my brother did that, especially at a point where I was still trying ot get comfortable with the situation.
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