Second Weddings

***PSA - H1N1 resources***

So much mis-information can get propogated and perpetuated on the internet, with the claim to be "expert".  Here are some resources regarding the novel H1N1 from the country's leading scientists.  Everyone must make their own decisions about how to care for themself, and using GOOD resources helps make those decisions better.  I hope these are "clicky".  ~Donna 

Re: ***PSA - H1N1 resources***

  • edited December 2011
    excellent job on the clickyness. lol... thanks for the PSA Donna!
  • edited December 2011
    There are shortages everywhere.  The manufacturers switched from producing seasonal flu vax to H1N1.  The retail pharmacies bought up a huge amount of the vaccine (most agencies have to order in Jan-Mar) anticipating increased demand due to the hype of H1N1.  The hype happened, the demand increased and the supply stopped.  Good for you for being persistent about getting the vaccine.  I sent DH to Target.  I got the H1N1 flu mist today.  I WAS tier 3, and we just started vaccinating tier 2.  My VP made an executive decision that she was tier 2, since clinical decisions would fall to her, and she then told me that "I"m not going to be here alone - go get vaccinated."  So here I (sniffily) am.  ~Donna
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