I have read the "its normal" post and I go back and re read alot of the messages and I know what I am feeling is normal. Just felt like getting this off my mind for a bit. I thought maybe if I write it out I wont feel so bad. I am recently engaged. Its my 2nd and FI's first wedding. I have an extremly supportive family, supportive friends, FI's family is super supportive and yet I still feel guilty. Not guilty I am getting married again because my previous situation was horrid. Guilty for being excited, for wanting things for this wedding to be special, for wanting to be that gushing bride. I keep saying "lets keep it simple and nothing fancy, low key but fun" When deep down I want to celebrate. I am not thinking huge fancy party stuff but I want to feel beautiful and I want to wow him. I want to not feel guilty for wanting to feel like this is my first time. I went to my first ever bridal expo this weekend and was so overwhelmed but it was so fun. I worry too what others will think if I go foward with my dreams . If they will think I shouldnt have done it. Someone please tell me I am not silly for feeling this way
Thanks for reading if you got this far. Its great to have a board with women who have BTDT.