Second Weddings

So Annoyed

My Ex is honestly driving me up a wall. Since I told him I wanted out of the marriage, he hasnt helped with the kids at all. So on top of my divorce/custody case, I had to go to DCSS and open a child support case to try to push things along even faster. I'm the one who has wanted out of this marriage for a while but why on Earth does he think he can run off scottfree of helping me raise our children?!

Then I go to the courthouse to pick up some paperwork and ask where my divorce standing was. Turns out, he never responded to the paperwork and my divorce is now in default so I had to pick up a packet for that to fill out. I'm dropping that off tomorrow. Ugggggh.

Sorry I just needed to vent.

Re: So Annoyed

  • KamakananiKamakanani member
    Fourth Anniversary 100 Comments
    edited December 2011
    The one benefit of filing for default dissolution is, yes, there is more paperwork, but as of now, he's pretty much out of the picture, so whatever was in your initial disso request will go through.  

    Good luck on the child support issue!
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