Next March 13th I will be 50! I planned this day for a long time because I wanted to throw a big Venetian Carnavale party. I had everything lined up, but six months ago, I lost my middle son in a tragic way. Just keeping up with the wedding plan has been more than enough. I am in very bitter sweet spot now. I am not in a mood for any party or celebration whatsoever and hopefully I will be in a better mood by the wedding time. I was thinking how life can come in our way and changes everything that you've planned, and also can bring a pain that crushes your heart which such cruelty. The worst but necessary part is to keep moving on when in you have no desire to leave the bed in the morning, And more than moving on, you have to move forward because your mission in this life is not done yet, and there are people that needs you and from who you are responsible one way or another. I am very sad today...not because the party I won't have, but because today is the Women's International Day, and my son was the first one to call me and wish me a good day! What I wouldn't do to have him doing this again!!!