I feel like such a dweeb, lol! I went into my reception venue today to talk over contract details with the new venue coordinator, and I'm so frazzled from everything i've had to do lately that I FORGOT half of the questions I had! ARGH! It might not even be as bad if the venue weren't almost an hour away from my apartment...
I keep flip flopping between feeling like I've got things under control, to getting excited about how close it's getting, to panicking about how everything will get done! It's 2 and a half months away, still quite a bit of time, but i'm in full blown "OMG OMG OMG" mode lol!
FI got a facebook message today from my estranged Aunt S, my mom's sister. Apparently she was trying to add me on facebook but I've got it locked down tight. This brought me back to being upset about how my relationship with my mom is pretty much demolished beyond any full repair. It also upsets me because after all these years, back in September I made contact with my mom's family again, and they want to be a part of my life. I FINALLY am able to talk to my mom's side of the family and get to know them, something I've always wanted. And I'm getting married in 2 and a half months so I want to invite them. BUT, the reason they're estranged family, is because my mom is BSC and cut them out of her life for imagined slights against her. Once I hit about 8 or 9 years old, she forbade me from ever speaking to any of them, even though they sent me gifts and money for birthdays and christmas. I know if they're invited they would probably make the effort to come to my wedding, but my mom will go ballistic. So I'm torn, and all the advice is torn 50/50 too, between "You shouldn't invite them because of your BSC mom" and "You should invite them and to hell with what your mom says/does".
Sooo, overall, situaion normal: All F*ed up. lol Any advice would be appreciated!