Okay... I am a little bummed. My fiance and I are newly engaged- to where not all family even knows yet. (we tell them at dinner tomorrow!) I have told a few trusted friends and siblings. And so far the response has been the exact same- that since this is my second marriage, I shouldnt do a full wedding- and it needs to be small, and on a beach somewhere. I feel so down. Is this going to be everyone's response?
My first wedding- was so bad- I cried the entire time- I had horrible bridesmaids that didnt want to have anything to do with me- my family wasnt there- it was honestly- ugly
And my fiance- has never been married and wants a wedding. He wants all his friends and family to be there. And I have two young kids that want to dress up, party and dance...
Anyone else running into this judgement? What would be a good reponse to people- I hate feeling like I have to instantly "defend" myself or our plans. I kind of want to cry. I dont want this experience to be ruined for Brad just because of my past...
thanks guys.