Second Weddings

My wedding/my daughter's wedding same time!

Hello all! My beloved and I are talking dates. We both see early summer as ideal for lots of reasons, but my daughter is also getting married sometime in the coming year. She can't set a date yet because of her fiance's police training 8 months of it! and only knows it will be July, August, or Sept. we were thining June. We haven't even announced our engagement yet. He has a ring and is setting up a special time to officially propose! My daughter has been planning a wedding for quite a while. Will it be wrong for us to go ahead with our plans or should we wait until after her wedding? Ours will be small. Family and close friends outdoors. Any thoughts? Thanks!

Re: My wedding/my daughter's wedding same time!

  • Lisa, I cannot tell you what is right for you! For me, I would need my children to make their announcement first, then I would be comfortable setting a date. If he have announced the engagement, then I would announce mine. I would not announce my date until they settled theirs. That's me! Regardless, congratulations!,, M
    ~~Mendi~~ ...Everyone has their price; mine's chocolate Photobucket
  • I agree with Mendi.   Or plan to get married well outside of their window, like April or May or November.  While each of your weddings is only one day, I'd leave at least 8 weeks between them.  ~Donna
  • Have you talked to your daughter about it?

    Maybe you should let her know that you and your man are talking marriage (if she doesn't know yet) and are starting to think about dates, but don't want to step on her toes.   Chances are she'll say something like, "Mom, please pick whatever date works for you and we will work around it!" or maybe, "I think you guys should go for June, and we'll shoot for September."  She might not even care.   Either way, you'll only know by talking to her about it:-) 
  • Talk with your daughter about your pending plans and see what she thinks. 
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