Long story short - I have known my Maid of Honor since third grade, we have lost touch and reconnected many times over the years. Our most recent reconnection happened right after my FI and I got engaged. She was calling me every other day to chit-chat and wanted to know all about the wedding we are planning. So I asked her to be in my wedding party, she agreed.
Fast forward to two days ago, she's not sure she wants to be in the bridal party but will give me a definite answer in a month!?! Her and her BF broke-up in August and reconciled in September and now they are breaking up again - this time for good at least I hope so. He wasn't being faithful.
So after making changes months ago we were to have four to a side plus my FDSD standing with her dad... I know I should wait the month and see if she changes her mind, but it's so unsettling.
edited for a minor correction ` Angie