Hi Ladies, it has now been 2 weeks since the rabbit and I have moved into my FI home and I want to report that all is well!
The rabbit is super happy and gets along great with the dog! He loves having me around more in the evening instead of being left alone like he was when I was at the FI home.
FI daughter is washing dishes at least a couple of days a week (when FI reqests it). But that's all good as long as they both realize I am not the maid service lol.
Last but not least -- I love living with my FI!! All you gals were right, there is nothing like it. I don't know why we waited 15yrs (well i do but ya know). I am now completely stoked about our upcoming wedding and one worry/concern is now behind me. Thanks so much for all your kind words and advise when I was freaking out!