Hi all.
I just saw this board this evening. I am planning on getting married the second time, but planning my first wedding. 14 yrs ago, my X and I eloped. I wore jeans and a t shirt. I never had a reception or anything. 12 years and 5 kids later and I found out he was having a 3 yr long affair, so to his surprise, I divorced him. I thought I would be alone forever. Single mom, 5 kids, ex who is a jerk police officer, who would want to get involved with all that? Well, to my surprise, an old elementary school friend found me on FB and saw what I was going through, so he recommended some support groups and became a good friend. We have been dating a wee bit over a year and we are getting married in June. He is the polar opposite of my ex and I am so thankful that I have someone who builds me up and loves me for me.