that we got orders to move out of state??
I know he's going to get his panties in a wad and try to pull something... maybe pursue this in court.
But, when we set up our divorce papers, my attorney said that we didn't need anything in the divorce about not being able to move, because XH can't control that, since he already lives out of state. The trouble is that XH is never happy that my life is much better off without him. So, he wants to share the misery. He ONLY wants to spend time with the kids for two reasons:
1.) His parents want to see the kids.
2.) If he has them, then I don't.
His parents live in town and I make sure they see the kids about 2 days a week. This is NOT required in the parenting plan, but they've come to take it for granted and I know that they're going to pitch a fit when they find out that I'm moving (they live in the same town as me), so they're going to complain to him and that's just going to make him even angrier.
FI will be deploying about a month after we get married and I really don't want to have to deal with XH's issues while FI is deployed.
So, when do I tell? How do I tell?