Hello Ladies (and Gentlemen....),
My fiancee and I just got engaged a few weeks ago. This will be my first marriage, but his second. He wants a destination wedding with just the 2 of us, but I want it all - the whole thing, including wedding, reception, guests, favors, dress, etc. We are both certain that this is forever - so of course I want it the way I always planned it to be. He had a big wedding the first time. I'm not really sure of his reason for wanting just us. We talk about it, he says things, but when I ask the really tough questions he just says "do whatever you want and tell me when and where to be there." I want to enter our new life as a pair, not me dragging him along.....feeling like we're in agreement is important to me. He's made comments like he expected it all to change to what I want, and he seems OK with it, but as soon as we start moving on details, it is back to, "don't you want a destination wedding".
I don't know where to go with this. We haven't found a compromise yet. Am I right to think that I should have what I want, since this is his second time around? Am I being selfish? Should we not move forward (to the point of not getting married) if we can't agree? Is this a common issue? Not being able to decide delays any progress forward, and neither of us wants a long engagement. I am nearly positive I will regret not having the whole she-bang. That is the only thing I know I've always wanted.
Looking forward to your comments, whatever they may be.