Okay I'm probably meaner than a biological mom - although I'm really not sure... I was raised so strictly by my dad that I have nothing really to compare to...
So today my lovely future step-daughter comes clean about the amount of reading she has to complete by this Friday, mind you the book was assigned last week and this is an AP class... She's behind and she had been telling me all along that she had no homework. This is from the kid that gets straight "A's", but for whatever reason (the wedding, turning 18 soon, and being a senior in high school) she has decided in the past week to blow off homework, not turn in an assignment, and not report to a class... WTH? So we had a frank discussion about it (granted I am stricter than her dad), but this stuff needs to stop. She got the unexcused absence taken care of, she will talk to the teacher about the notes she was to have turned in and well she has a butt load of reading and annotating to accomplish by Friday morning or she looses privileges.
Am I just evil or what? I love that litttle monster as though she were my own but I will not tolerate her being "forgetgful" (her word) about school work... Not when she would like my help with college tuition.