Welcome, welcome to all the new SW brides! I have been remiss in reading the “Intros, please” thread but caught up this morning on posts since early March … woo hoo! Congratulations to everyone.
@susie morc: No, silk flowers are not taboo. My former coworkers’ bouquet was silk. I think that MikesAngie may have had a silk bouquet. Oh, Angie??
@Jells2dot0: Try searching stylemepretty.com for a wedding with just bride, groom and officiant. It was stunning. I think it was posted there about 3 months ago.
@anayajami: I’ve been unemployed since Sept ’09, so I genuinely feel your pain. Thankfully, FI sold his house last month so that’s an expense gotten rid of. Hang in there!
@Lolaamor: I planned my first wedding (19 years ago) in less than three months. It was fabulous. You can do it! Good luck.
@RkyMountainRose: Sorry about your diagnosis. I’m sending positive vibes your way. Hang in there!
@terrifiedbride: Sending good vibes to your FI! I hope the surgery goes (went) well.
@mightyoakes: Show me the shoes! It’s all about the shoes. LOL!
@OldBrideKady: You’re not the oldest bride here, babe. Enjoy your bliss. Congrats!
For the 2012 brides, enjoy the extended planning window. I look back on my engagement (18 months) and although it seemed ridiculously long – could have been pregnant and given birth twice – it worked out fine. And here I am, with just 53 days to go. Amazing! Have fun and enjoy your engagements.