My poor FI and his daughter have been asking his BSC XW to send the child's things to her for a year. The boxes in horrid condition were delivered yesterday, the daughter and I are going through them now and it's a nasty job.
First the woman didn't pack things as much as she just chucked random stuff into boxes. Some if it belongs to my FI, some to the daughter and some is just random household goods that we don't need and of course garbage. We already have one 33 gallon bag full of stuff for Goodwill, and another full of garbage! We've only unpacked a total of 4 boxes at this point.
What sucks is that my poor FI has to pay 1/2 of the delivery charge!
Alcoholics that are in their disease and in denial are too much fun... Any way I need to help my "daughter" wade through the crap.
Thanks for letting me vent.