My FI has full custody of his 2 kids (9 & 13). The kids live with us and see BM eowe(her choice). The kids and I get along very well. I was talking to SD9 the other day and she said she was excited about the wedding but sad that her mom wasn't invited. Luckily someone entered the room and SD changed the subject. I didn't want her to think I was avoiding her comment (and maybe she wasn't looking for one) so I told her we'd pick up the conversation later. She hasn't brought it up again, but what do we tell her if she asks why her Mom isn't invited or if her Mom can come? I spoke to FI about this and he was thinking he would say something like, 'if this was your party or graduation etc, your mom would be invited, but this is for FI and I" I didn't think that was good because it kind of makes it sound like she's not part of this, which she is. Any thoughts?