I'm glad I was able to achieve so much the Thursday before Thanksgiving and that we were able to leave on Friday - even if I was totally exhausted. It meant being able for us to see my FFIL one last time on Saturday. He passed in the early morning hours the day after we saw him.
Unfortunately the weather did not cooperate but we learned how to put chains on and that we can survive 9 plus hours in the car without becoming nasty to one another.
My FMIL who I adore more and more, was wonderful when we asked about my FFIL's wishes. He stated he did not want this wedding delayed any further. In his humble opinion this should have happened when we were 21.
So the wedding is still on - as we thought it would be. And my FMIL was involved in helping with some of the planning. There is going to be a definite Native American flare to the brides attire. I think I may wear ankle high white moccasins (if I can find some that I like), white feathers with blue hydrangeas in my hair and Native American jewelry. My FMIL is making me a necklace in turquoise and coral.
My FFIL is missed, but he no longer is suffering.