Second Weddings


I will be selling my house, leaving my job and moving 60 miles away after the wedding.  Any suggestions on how to adjust to going from a city of 120,000+, to a town of 2,700, where everything closes at 7:00, and the closest big city is 30 minutes away.  I am afraid I am going to go crazy.  No Starbucks, no I-don't-feel-like-cooking-tonight so lets order pizza or go through a drive through, no late night run to the store because I forgot about something that is needed for school tomorrow......  no hospital just around the corner for when my son breaks another bone. 

I am fortunate in that I will not need to work, and I can help out at the kids school, but I am afraid that I am going to be bored crazy.  I will still look for a part time job so that I can feel like a productive member of society, but I am also well aware that it could take a long time to find something.  What do people DO is such a small town?  My FI grew up there, but was gone for 20 years in the military.  He returned just 4 years ago and took over his parents home, but he really doesn't know anyone anymore (single guy, home-body, works night shift), so there is no ready made social circle to jump into.

Last - any suggestions on how to help the kids adjust to the move?  They will be 8 and 9 1/2 years old. 


Re: Moving

  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Sometimes small towns can be very clannish.  I'd just ease into life maybe starting off volunteering at the kids school or the library or whatever it is that you enjoy.

    Right now a small town doesn't sound too bad to me Laughing
  • handfast4mehandfast4me member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    You're eligible, if you or your fi use the last name Buchanan (as you have in your screen name), to join Clan Buchanan Society International.  There may be members near where you're moving. In which case, you've got "cousins" at the ready.

    Also, if that IS your real name, you will want to delete this knot screen name and get a new one.  The interwebz is not safe. 
    image Don't mess with the old dogs; age and treachery will always overcome youth and skill! BS and brilliance only come with age and experience.
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