In discussing the wedding ceremony, the "Prayers of the Faithful" in particular, with my FH, who is a widower, he requested that he'd like to honor his first wife in some way, during the ceremony. I honestly thought about that possibility before he brought it up but couldn't really come up with anything that didn't make me feel bad. I think it's a beautiful thing to remember his wife when their daughters are married eventually, but it just seems an odd place to mention her at our wedding. We ended the discussion with the thought that we would ask our priest what would be appropriate and I will abide by that. I don't mind saying though that after thinking about it some more, I am hoping he tells us that it's best to just say the "deceased of our families" and suggest to FH that he honor his wife privately in some way if he feels like he wants to do that.
Anyone have any thoughts, opinions, suggestions?