I was divorced in 2008, no children. My ex-husband cheated with my good friend and is still with her today. I met an amazing man in 2009 and we recently got engaged. My ex-husband and I have very little contact, as we live in different states. For instance, I sent him a "happy birthday" email last month but that's the first contact we've had in months.
I try to keep things cordial, however, because he has been unable to refinance our house to get my name off of the mortgage. Our deal was that as long as my name was on the mortgage, I would also remain the beneficiary on his life insurance and retirement plans in case something happened to him and I had to deal with the house.
My ex-husband isn't a bad person, necessarily, but he can be quite vindictive and petty. And I'm afraid if he finds out I'm getting married from someone else, he'll fly off the handle and take me off of his insurance, etc. which would be a problem if something happened to him with the house.
So in short, would it be better to tell him myself to clear the air? Or just stick to the "it's none of his business anyway" thought?