Hello Ladies!
My name is Kristin Ive been married to Shaun for eight years now! We did a very small (4 people) wedding October 24th,2002 we are now renewing our vows October 15th,2011! We are doing what ive always wanted (what ever girl wants a "big" wedding). With about 100people ! We have three amazing children and im going to have them be a big part of the wedding! My six year old son will be my husbands best man

. We have a budget (eekk on how hard it is to STICK to that) ! We have our hall set , I go meet with the lady this saturday for my cake! We have just about everything set BUT where to get married!! We keep running into the problem that my husband didnt grow up going to church.

/ Ive called about ten places.. It might sound odd... but I want the big church wedding.. its my dream

eeek sorry this went on for ever! I hope to get to know everyone and find some tips on how to make my day perfect! And I hope I can share some
October 2011 Siggy Challenge: Fave thing about Spring/Baseball Team