This is both mine and my fiances 3rd marriage! He is considerably older than me (45, im 28) but i feel like before him, i hadnt even the slightest clue what love is when i thought i did. We are so very much in love. That being said, i dont know how to go about planning our wedding. We both have big jobs and it would be an insult not to invite certain people and weve kept the guest list down to 160 that we are not making changes to. we booked a reception site in manhattan and were getting married at the brooklyn botanical garden. But i dont know whether i should let my assistants throw me a bridal shower (they have been planning on thier own since i told them about my engagment) or if i should let my mom throw us an engamement party (which she has also been dying to do) or what the protocall is for this. i feel wierd having 4 bridesmaids even! can somebody help or give me advice? thanks