Second Weddings

How can my son be involved?

I have a 2 year old son from a previous marriage that im wanting to have involved in my up coming wedding. are there any kind of union ceremonies that we can do or does anyone have any ideas of a way i can include him? he will be 3 by the time the wedding comes. thanks in advance!

Re: How can my son be involved?

  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    There's a sticky post on top about children as part of wedding ceremonies.

    Personally I am not a fan of involving young children in the ceremony itself.  I get that you're all becoming a family, but the ceremony should involve only the bride and groom.  But that's just my opinion.
  • edited December 2011
    Hi, welcome to the board and congrats on your engagement.

    People here have very strong opinions on involving children in the ceremony. I don't judge people for what they decide to do, as "to each his own" is my stance.

    But I do have an opinion I will share. I believe that the wedding, and the marriage is between consenting adults. Children do not understand vows. Children have other parents. Very young children can be in the wedding without being involved in the vows. He can walk with you up the aisle and stand up with you or sit in the front row with a grandparent, aunt or uncle.

    We did not do any family vows or family union ceremony because our boys are teens and they have other parents very involved in their lives. It would have been weird. They are our children. WE are the ones getting married, not them, they didn't choose this marriage or wedding.

     However, both of our boys were in our wedding. My son was a groomsman and escorted me down the aisle.

    My step son was the best man. Those were the only male attendents. It made them feel very special. The wedding was between my DH and me.

    Just my opinion, you need to do what you feel best for your family.
  • edited December 2011
    We are involving our children ( my 3 boys and his daughter and son) by doing unity sand instead of a unity candle and letting each child put their own color in. We want to show that not only are we becoming a married couple but a family. But that is just us.
  • edited December 2011
    i actually thought of that but with him going to be 3 at the time i dont know if he will have the attention span to do that! plus im afraid he will be playing with the sand more than anything! lol! boys will be boys!
  • edited December 2011
    My soon to be stepson will be 3 when we get married too. So I know what you mean about boys being boys. lol
  • mightyoakesmightyoakes member
    edited December 2011
    My girls (15 & 13) are walking down the isle will me (My Dad passed in 2004) and then I will hug them and they will sit with their grandmother. My FH's son (9) will be sitting with his grandparents up front. This way they "participate" without being "in" the ceremony. I agree that the ceremony is between you and your FH, BUT, with blending the families, you are "marrying" the whole package. So this was the meaning to my decision.
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