Second Weddings

Wedding during Sunday morning worship, and after-party ideas?

Hi, I'm new here and recently engaged. This will be my second wedding and my fiance's fourth. I am in my forties and he is in his fifties. We met online. I will be moving to his town soon, and we will have the wedding there.

We are considering having our wedding in our church at 10:30 a.m. as a part of the normal Sunday morning worship service. This would be really meaningful for us, as we are both committed church-goers and actually fell in love while singing in the church choir together. The pastor supports the idea.

My fiance's three prior weddings were all courthouse weddings, as his ex's were not religious. He really wants a church wedding this time, but he admits he is clueless about planning one.

I had a typical first wedding, and I found the planning to be really stressful. I don't enjoy big receptions/parties, I do not like being the center of attention, and I hate to dance.


1. Having the ceremony during worship emphasizes the religious aspect of our marriage, rather than being a fancy to-do all about the bride (and groom).

2. Our large, fabulous choir will be there to provide music!

3. This way we'll be sure to have guests, since we have very few family and friends who would attend. I have a very small family, and my mother is still upset that I ended my first marriage. He is not close to his family, and they can't/wouldn't travel to the location. He doesn't have many local friends as he has moved around a lot and has a very demanding career. Most of my friends are "couple friends" from my first marriage of 23 years, they haven't met my FI since he lives out of town, and they are still adjusting to the fact that I got divorced. Inviting them would be really awkward.

4. We can have a relaxed and inexpensive luncheon reception in the church hall after worship. Maybe with some background piano or classical music.


1. Will people feel awkward about being "ambushed" by a wedding during their normal Sunday morning worship routine? Maybe the pastor should announce the wedding ahead of time, but then will they feel weird about the whole gift issue? I don't want or need gifts; we have too much "stuff" already.

2. There will be a lot of "strangers" at the wedding. It's a fairly large congregation, and since FI and I sit in the choir loft, we haven't gotten to know many of the other people. However, they know who I am since I have done some choir solos.

3. We have to pay to feed all of these "strangers" (but we can afford it).

4. This leaves an awkward "what to do after the luncheon" time. I would like to have an afternoon after-party with my parents and best friend's family (all of whom will be coming from out of town), and our choir friends. But FI lives in a small town and there isn't much to do there, especially on a Sunday, and we will have already eaten at the luncheon. Any ideas?

5. FI is NOT A MORNING PERSON. I have trouble getting him to choir practice on time as it is. I can just see him being late for our wedding!!

I briefly considered eloping, or a destination wedding at the beach, but Ithen we wouldn't get a wedding in our church with our choir.

HELP? Your input is greatly appreciated!

Re: Wedding during Sunday morning worship, and after-party ideas?

  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Could you have the wedding with the choir before the other parishioners show up?  I know you stated that your FI is not a morning person so maybe not. Or have the wedding the Saturday before with the choir and such.

    Another idea is to have the Pastor announce six weeks before the wedding that there will be a wedding held and Sunday, Month, Date and Year and that the congregation is invited to participate and they need not feel obligated to do more than enjoy the festivities.
  • edited December 2011
    If this is the type of thing your church supports, then I have no issue with it.  If a parishioner wants to NOT attend, is there another worship alternative?  If I didn't support your marriage, I would not want to attend, and would be upset if that meant I couldn't go to my own church. No matter what, an in advance notice to the community would be nice.  Maybe an actual invitation from you to the general congregation.
    And in regards to gifts , this may be an exception to the don't mention them rule, at least in my mind.  Since this is a worship group, you could have the pastor say something like, " the couple has requested that the only gifts you give to them be <insert something about praying for a healthy, happy, lengthy marriage here />" or something like, "as our gift to the couple, we as a worship group will be keeping them in our prayers..."

    For the after party, just gathering at the house with light refreshments should be plenty.  Those close to you will enjoy just visiting, i would think.  ~Donna
  • jerseydeviljerseydevil member
    Fourth Anniversary 500 Comments 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    I agree that there's need to be advance notice. If I was a parishiner thinking I was attending a normal church service and didn't know there would be a wedding ceremony in the middle of it, I'd be a little annoyed.
  • gosuzygosuzy member
    Seventh Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    right1thistime, no, there is only one worship service, so there wouldn't be another  option for anyone who didn't support the wedding (not that I'm aware of anyone, but you have made an excellent point).

    MikesAngie, the more I think about it, I like your idea of having the wedding on Saturday instead, with the choir and whatever relatives/friends choose to come. We'll just have to seat the choir down in the regular pews instead of up in the choir loft, so that the pews don't look too empty!

    We could have the ceremony mid-afternoon, and the reception could be a nice, festive dinner in a party room at a local restaurant. I think we'll both enjoy having a more intimate gathering, and I know FI will enjoy it a lot more if he's not still half asleep!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    Or you could have it be RIGHT after the normal service.  That way those that want to stay can stay - those that don't can bail out?

    Then continue with the normal plans.
  • mybooboosmybooboos member
    Sixth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Congratulations on your engagement and welcome to the boards!

    I guess people attend a church service and happen to be in attendance of a christening/baptismal, but a wedding is a different ceremony, or gives off a different vibe.

    You could announce that at the end of the regularly scheduled service, that there will be a wedding between two of the church members at the end of the day's service, and that the congregation is invited.

    This way the congregation is not ambushed, and you can still have as many people attend that would like to be there.

    Good luck!
    Presentation is everything!! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • AbbeyS2011AbbeyS2011 member
    edited December 2011
    I second the suggestion about having the wedding AFTER the worship service.  You could just have a mini-reception afterwards, a meet and greet perhaps, then have a late luncheon with your family/friends or whatever you like. 

    Think of this: You and your family are traveling on vacation, and want to attend services, so you walk into a church, only to find out it is going to be someone's wedding?  Awkward to say the least.  I like to visit churches when I am travelling but I would not be comfortable attending a wedding where I did not even know the bride and groom. 
  • fireytigerfireytiger member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    FI and I are getting married on a Sunday, after the church service. Nobody at my church would object to our marriage necessarily, and I have a feeling that several people will try to stick around to watch the wedding. But when they get up to go to church that morning, they want to worship. Such is the purpose of the church service. I really recommend you do the wedding after the service ends.
  • christy29322christy29322 member
    edited December 2011
    My ex & his new wife did this. Right as the service ended the pastor asked everyone to stay in their seats for a "speacial surprise." Then the wedding started, complete with several songs & a unity candle.
    Nobody said anything to their faces, but all I heard was negative comments about being "hijacked" & forced to sit through it.  Several of them said they wouldn't have attended the wedding if given a choice, & some people were upset because they used secular music (the bride walked in to "Going to the Chapel" & they used several Beatles songs.
    The worst part is that there was no reception. The poor congregation sat through a wedding they didn't want to see rigth at lunch time & then didn't even get any food! Ex & family went home & had cake.
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