Second Weddings

My First, His Second, His girls

Newbie to the boards...
Seeking ideas, suggestions, comments...
This is my first wedding, his second. He has two wonderful daughters ages 14 and 21. We are having a small beach wedding and I am only having a MOH - no bridemaids or flower girls.
I am looking for ideas to include the girls in the service to signify or represent the merger of all of us into one family.
Thanks in advance...
As James so eloquently states - Nothing Else Matters! Wedding Countdown Ticker

Re: My First, His Second, His girls

  • edited December 2011
    They are old enough to answer the question for you.  I would recommend having them as your (or his) attendants, but if you have already ruled that out- ask them what they would like to do.  They could certainly be his "best women". ~Donna
  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    It's best to ask his girls what they would like.  They are both old enough to answer that question for you. as right1thistime stated.

    My FDSD (Future Dear-Step-Daugther), is escorting her dad into the ceremony area along with his Mom and she will stand with him during the ceremony.  She will be 6 days away from her 18th birthday when we wed. The gift from me to her is an old birthstone ring of mine (which happens to be the wedding stone for April), we had the ring plated in rhodium so that it's white gold and sized for her right hand.  All of this was her choice. She also chose to host a teen table of her cousins, second cousins and a couple of her friends at the reception.  We also have allowed her an active part in planning the wedding so that she feels that this is her wedding too.
  • zr8derzzr8derz member
    edited December 2011
    I had intended on speaking with both of them and supporting whatever they wanted to do... I want just looking for ideas on WHAT they could do....
    Thank you for your comments.
    As James so eloquently states - Nothing Else Matters! Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Sue-n-KevinSue-n-Kevin member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    This is my first wedding, my fiance's 3rd. Between us we have 5 children (actually, adults except for my 16 y/o daughter)

    She is my maid of honor, everyone but his oldest is standing up, and his oldest (since she's the Mom to our flower girl & ring bearer) will do a reading, so she's not tied up with wedding stuff while watching her kids.

    If they want to stand up in the wedding, I think that's always a nice touch. But to provide them options is always good:

    If they are too shy to stand up, there is always readings, walking up the aisle with their dad, standing there next to him..........whatever they are comfortable with.

    Welcome to the board!
  • AbbeyS2011AbbeyS2011 member
    edited December 2011
    Here are some suggestions:

    Best Ladies

    Escorts of the Groom

    Readers/Soloists (if they sing)

    My FI has a daughter(21)and I have 2 sons(11 & 7), and she is one of my BM, and my oldest is a Jr GM, and my youngest is the RB - they all are excited!
  • luckenboothluckenbooth member
    edited December 2011
    Also if you are having it at the beach a sand ceremony would fit in. But, like others have said I would ask them what they are comfortable with.
  • edited December 2011
    Welcome and Congratulations!

    Combined, my FI and I have 4 children - he has a 22 year old daugher, a soon to be 20 year old son, and I have a 12 year old daughter and a 10 year old son.  They are all in the WP.  My daugher is my Maid of Honor and my FDIL is a BM.  My FI son is his BM and my son will escort me down the aisle.  We didn't ask them what role they wanted in the wedding.  For my kids it was a no brainer... After watching countless episodes of "Say Yes to the Dress" together,  my daughter was my one and only choice for MOH, and it just felt right for my son to escort me.  I wanted my FSD and FSS to feel included in our wedding, without making it too big of a deal.  (They are OK with their Dad getting married, but not doing cartwheels :) 
  • edited December 2011
    I'm presenting my future step sons with a necklace as well as they are joiing us in the sand ceremony...becoming a family.
  • ldwelchldwelch member
    edited December 2011
    My two daughters, 20 and 17, insist on standing up with me.  I think I'll walk down the aisle with them too - afterall my groom asked their permission first before proposingSmile
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