Second Weddings

NWR: Job Search Looking Up

Being un/underemployed for 18 months is not a milestone I thought I would mark, but here I am.  This week, though, has been quite productive for my job search. 

I had two in-person meetings with networking contacts who feel they can be helpful (one has already been back in touch with a couple of solid leads/openings!).  In addition, another friend passed my resume along to a colleague of hers with whom I'll meet next week. When her colleague saw my resume, he deemed it "very sellable."

So, this weekend will be all about tweaking my resume for application to a couple of actual jobs, digging up writing samples and getting all set to hit "SEND" first thing Monday morning.  Wish me luck!

Re: NWR: Job Search Looking Up

  • MikesAngieMikesAngie member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary Name Dropper 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    I hope something pans out for you!!  I will be sending you postive vibes!!

    I understand exactly where you are at.  I did some pro-bono work for a colleague of mine two weeks ago if the project moves forward I will be the estimator of record... but who knows if they will be able to get funding.

    I'm happy for you that the job freeze in your area seems to be warming.  Please keep us posted.
  • edited December 2011
    That's such good news.   You always have such a positive attitude.  My daughter in FL has been out of work for about 15 months.  Had her first job interview in over a year only to be told that she's is over qualified and they had such a high turn over with hiring people that are over qualified.  Will be sending positive vibes and good wishes your way!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
    130image Invited to dance the night away!
    92image Want to show their best moves!
    38image Have two left feet and won't be dancing!
    0image Are too embarrased to say they don't dance!

  • Marrin713Marrin713 member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    Good luck with them both Lisa!
  • edited December 2011
    I am glad for you Lisa. Good luck!
  • Lisa50Lisa50 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:35Discussion:a5bb293d-5b0c-4053-a919-5abe165c5e80Post:8ee681ee-9dfb-44d3-8d16-609162262143">Re: NWR: Job Search Looking Up</a>:
    [QUOTE]That's such good news.   You always have such a positive attitude.  My daughter in FL has been out of work for about 15 months.  Had her first job interview in over a year only to be told that she's is over qualified and they had such a high turn over with hiring people that are over qualified.  Will be sending positive vibes and good wishes your way!
    Posted by[/QUOTE]

    I try to remain optimistic ... this is part of my life and, in general, I love my life so I aim to keep in all in perspective.  But ... it's not always easy.  I've had my share of weeping and swearing (somehow they go hand-in-hand!) and that helps.

    (((HUGS))) to your daughter.  I know how horrible it is to be over-qualified.  This is my second job loss (the last time, I didn't find work for 4 yrs) and, unfortunately, what she has run into isn't a surprise.  I wish her the best!
  • fireytigerfireytiger member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Ugh, I hate being told i'm overqualified! How can you be TOO qualified to do a position? I'm lucky enough to at least have a job right now, but I am honestly miserable there and can't wait to find something (ANYTHING!) else. It used to be that I could walk into a retail or food service place and walk out with a job, but now I can't get anything. And the companies are actually lying about why they won't interview me, and it's really ticking me off.

    At Radio Shack, I am more than qualified to be an assistant manager there. They had 40 openings in the metro area this fall. I applied, and they replied saying "Sorry, we don't have any openings available in your area!" Uhh, what? Then, I applied at one of the casinos around here, again for positions that I have more than enough experience to fill. I filled out an application at around 3am, and at 3:30am I got an e-mail, saying "Thank you for applying, our HR team has thoroughly reviewed and researched your application and have chosen to pursue other applicants who meets our qualifications." WTF??? You mean to tell me that at 3 in the morning, their HR department was sitting there just waiting for an application to come in to look over, and were able to "thoroughly research and review" my application in 30 minutes? And I AM qualified for the position, so what on earth are you looking for then? If you're gonna lie, can y'all please at least make the lies palatable? Quit pissing on me and calling it rain!

    Ugh, sorry for the rant. It's just really getting on my nerves, because my current job is absolutely miserable for me. I have anxiety attacks now, as well as depression, and have to take antidepressants to help minimize those issues. I have regular migraines now too, all illnesses that I never had until I started working there. It's one of the worst feelings knowing you're literally trapped in a position you know is making you sick. I'd almost rather be unemployed, but I know we can't afford it. Good luck with your job search, hope you have better luck than I have! :)
  • Lisa50Lisa50 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:35Discussion:a5bb293d-5b0c-4053-a919-5abe165c5e80Post:517fc317-6176-4fc3-8f78-cbbc812d4b37">Re: NWR: Job Search Looking Up</a>:
    [QUOTE]It's just really getting on my nerves, because my current job is absolutely miserable for me. I have anxiety attacks now, as well as depression, and have to take antidepressants to help minimize those issues. I have regular migraines now too, all illnesses that I never had until I started working there.<strong><font color="#0000ff"> It's one of the worst feelings knowing you're literally trapped in a position you know is making you sick.</font></strong> I'd almost rather be unemployed, but I know we can't afford it. Good luck with your job search, hope you have better luck than I have! :)
    Posted by fireytiger[/QUOTE]

    I understand that feeling, 100%.  I worked for my last employer for 5 years.  The last 4 years was increasingly maddening, from a health perspective.  At one point, my boss was making me so miserable that my doctor prescribed I read <em>The Devil Wears Prada</em>.  Seriously! 

    She (my doctor) did that b/c I'd refused her prescription of anti-anxiety meds.  Finally, after a year of refusing the meds and, at one point, seeing my head of hair go from 20% gray to 50% gray in <u>less than 8 weeks</u>, I went on the meds.  I have not had to take them since my last day on the the job.  Enough said.

    Hang in there!  You will find something better.  Does your local newspaper do an annual review of the best companies to work for in the area?  That might be a good way to target perspective employers ... I wish you the best in your search, and with your health!  ((((HUGS))))
  • fireytigerfireytiger member
    Knottie Warrior 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Thanks. :) I really hope you find something less stressful soon too. *hugs back* I'm trying to go back to college and finish my degree, I decided to go into paralegal studies instead of floundering for another 3 years trying to get a teaching degree (which I think i've finally accepted to myself I'm not going to be able to get that at this point in my life). This way I only need to study for another year and I can get a better job. I see all these positions opening up for paralegals, and I'm thinking "ohhh I wish I had that degree now, and not a year from now!" So whatever I get for now would be an "in-between job". I wanted my current job to be that, but it's just been getting worse and worse. :/
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